Wednesday, August 1, 2012

National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) Sacramento Section Presents:

CHALLENGES IN ELDER HEALTH CARE: Minimizing Risks and Maximizing Positive Outcomes This forum will explore the risks for older people in various medical care settings (medical offices, hospitals, and nursing homes), the risks of commonly prescribed medications, and how to manage these risks for yourself and your loved ones in order to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Sunday, September 9, 2012
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Kenesset Israel Torah Center
1165 Morse Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95864

• Irving Hellman, PhD, Geropsychologist, Elder Care Adviser
• Elliot E. Mazer, MD, Geriatrician

Free Parking (on-site and street) No charge but reservations requested: email or leave a message at (916) 204-8777. (Please include your name, telephone number, email address and the number of people in your party.) This is the fifth in a series of forums on elder abuse and related topics brought to you by the NCJW Family Shalom Elder Abuse Committee with support from the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region. We also appreciate the support of Kenesset Israel Torah Center for hosting this event. Each forum in the series explores an aspect of elder abuse: risk factors and how to mitigate them; how to recognize abuse; its impact on the victim, the family and the community; and what to do if you or someone you know is a victim. or

Monday, September 12, 2011

NCJW Sacramento Section Position Statement on Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the practice of obtaining, harboring or providing of individuals through force, fraud or coercion for use in the commercial sex trade or some form of labor. Trafficking victims, who are predominantly women and children, are often lured by false promises of decent jobs and better lives and are forced to labor against their will.

In keeping with the resolutions and programs of the National Council of Jewish Women, the Sacramento Section condemns the trade of all human beings. We vigorously oppose exploitation for sexual service, forced labor, or domestic servitude and are actively engaged in the fight against it.
NCJW has a long history of opposition to human trafficking. At the turn of the twentieth century, NCJW spoke out against “white slavery” exploitation and sweatshop labor and provided assistance to young female immigrants arriving alone and without resources. Across the country, NCJW Sections continue to take an active role in combating modern day slavery.

The Sacramento region is considered a hub of human trafficking. It is a myth that sex and labor trafficking occurs only in faraway places; it is happening right here, right now.
In collaboration with regional and federal coalitions/agencies, the National Council of Jewish Women, Sacramento Section, supports efforts to prevent trafficking and protect and empower trafficking survivors. We focus on community education and awareness campaigns for the Jewish community and the community at large. We also engage in anti-trafficking legislative and public policy advocacy.

National Human Trafficking Tip Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
Local Crisis Line: 916-920-2952
NCJW, Sacramento Section:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

NCJW Teaches about Elder Abuse

NCJW Is Educating the Community about Elder Abuse

Our elders are at risk for physical, psychological, and financial abuse and neglect. The Family Shalom Elder Abuse Committee of the National Council of Jewish Women—Sacramento Section, is presenting a series of free public forums to raise awareness of elder abuse and about how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

The first panel discussion, on Financial Scams, Fraud, and Abuse, held in November 2010, featured representatives from the State of California departments—Insurance, Corporations, and Justice--responsible for regulating insurance and investments and prosecuting fraud. They provided information about the various types of financial scams and fraud; the sale of annuities and other investment and insurance products to people for whom they are not appropriate; telephone scams; and the resources available to help people avoid being victimized.

A second panel on Financial Scams, Fraud, and Abuse, held in February 2011, included a financial consultant, an estate attorney, an attorney from Sacramento Senior Legal Services, and a victim of a long-term Ponzi scheme. Speakers identified and described the red flags that can warn people of Ponzi and other schemes and the common scams currently targeting the elderly. They spoke about the importance of protecting against identity theft, how to choose a financial advisor, what types of investments to avoid, and the importance of understanding your investments. They discussed the three legal documents necessary to enable trusted people to act on your behalf.

In March 2011 the Elder Abuse Committee also sponsored a program on Financial Scams, Fraud, and Abuse for the residents of the Albert Einstein Residence Center and their friends and family. A representative of the California Department of Corporations spoke about how to protect against scams and abuse and where to get help.

The next event will address The Aging Brain and other aspects of aging that may make us more
vulnerable to abuse and provide information about healthy aging. Future events will address psychological and physical abuse and other topics.

The Elder Abuse Committee is also developing a brochure that will describe the types and symptoms of abuse and the resources that are available to help victims of abuse.

Consult the Jewish Federation calendar, the weekly eVoice, and Voice or visit for updates on the time and place of these Elder Abuse Education Program events.

If you wish to participate in the work of the Elder Abuse Committee, please contact Irene Jenkins, Chairperson, at

NCJW’s Elder Abuse Education Program is supported by a grant from the Jewish Federation.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome to our events Blog

Welcome to our News blog. This allows us to easily keep all of our readers up-to-date with NCJW events by Family Shalom, the Elder Abuse Committee and the Sacramento Section. Keep an eye out and bookmark this page for easy reference.
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